January 28, 2021
There are many reasons why my wife and I give towards the ministry of West Coast Baptist College, and here are some of those reasons.
We give because we are grateful for the training we received at WCBC.
We feel it is impossible to place a monetary value on the biblical training that we received during our four years at West Coast Baptist College. Not only were we trained academically to study and understand the Scriptures, but we were mentored and coached in living a godly, Spirit-filled Christian life with a heart for the local church and lost souls. Whenever we think of our time at college, we are overwhelmed with gratitude for the thousands of hours that were invested into our lives so that we could be better prepared to serve in full time ministry.
We give because we believe in the purpose and philosophy of WCBC.
The Bible teaches us that Jesus Christ was “full of grace and truth.” We believe that West Coast Baptist College is consistently striving to provide a biblically balanced institution that is uncompromising in its Bible doctrine and Baptist distinctives while maintaining a loving and gracious spirit about it. These principles are taught from the pulpit and lectern, and they are visibly modeled by the leadership and faculty. We believe this balance is achieved because the college is adamant about keeping the Bible at the center of all ministry and Christian living.
Lastly, we give because we desire to invest into future preachers and servants of the gospel.
As we give towards West Coast Baptist College, we realize that our money will be used towards helping students learn the Bible, train for the ministry, and develop a heart for soulwinning. Our prayer is that our giving can be a help in aiding young men and women in following God’s plan for their lives and taking the gospel to their respective fields. If one soul puts his faith and trust in Jesus Christ through the faithful witness of a West Coast Baptist College graduate, then it will be worth it all. We give because we trust that our giving in some small way will make a difference in the life of a student who will propagate the gospel of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ, to a lost and dying world.
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