Create Ministry Position

Since its inception in 1995, West Coast Baptist College has been driven by the desire to train students to enter into the Lord’s harvest fields. Throughout the years we have placed our graduates into ministry positions as pastors, assistant pastors, evangelists, missionaries, music directors, Christian school teachers and administrators, and secretaries.

Our placement office gathers resumes from both alumni and graduating seniors each year and makes them available to like-minded ministries looking for staff. If you have a current or upcoming staffing need in your ministry, please complete and submit the form below.

Please Note:

West Coast Baptist College is under the direct authority and guidance of Lancaster Baptist Church. Please note the following distinctives of Lancaster Baptist Church:

  • LBC is a non-charismatic church. We are a Baptist church that believes in submitting to the Bible’s authority in all matters of faith and practice.
  • LBC uses only the King James Version of the Bible.
  • LBC believes in the importance of preaching as well as teaching from the Word of God.
  • LBC is opposed to the Ecumenical Movement and believes that the many inter-denominational meetings of our day are compromising doctrine for the sake of “unity.”
  • LBC believes in and practices personal soulwinning.

Requests for information about potential staff members will be considered on an individual basis. Only ministries of like faith and practice will be sent placement information.

Postings will stay active for six months, then be dismissed.

If you have questions about the WCBC placement services, please call Brother Gary Spaeth at 888.694.9222, ext. 3146.

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E.g., 10/25/2024
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